Wedding Endroll 結婚式 / 披露宴撮影(エンドロール)
This is an same-day edit end-roll, where the footage shot and edited on your wedding day is played at the conclusion of the reception. We will show the video, which includes scenes from the preparation to the mid-reception break, immediately after the ceremony and reception.
- 金額 | Price
- ¥250.000 〜 + tax
- 納期 | Delivery
- 約3ヶ月 | About 3 months
- 長さ | Length
- Short Movie 3〜5 分 | 3~5 min & Long Movie 約60分 | About 60 min
- 素材 | Data
- mp4
- 約60分ほどのダイジェスト記録映像付きです。 It includes a digest video of about 60 minutes.
- カメラマン指名料は¥50,000です。 The photographer designation fee is ¥50,000 plus tax.
- カメラマンは2名体制となります。(拘束時間は8時間) There will be a team of two videographers (with a working time of 8 hours).
- 私服での事前撮影付き(+¥50,000+tax)のエンドロールプランもございます。 We also offer an end roll plan with a pre-shoot in casual attire (+¥50,000 + tax).
WORKFLOW 納品までの流れ
- お問い合わせフォームよりご連絡をお願いします。 Please contact us through the inquiry form.
- 詳細を確認後、お見積もりを掲示させていただきますので少しでも多くの情報やご希望をお聞かせください。 After reviewing the details, we will provide you with a quote. Therefore, please share as much information and your specific requests as possible.
- 当日に向けて打ち合わせを行います。撮影当日の進行など綿密に確認させていただきます。 We will have a meeting in preparation for the day. We will thoroughly go over the schedule and details for the day of the shoot.
- 撮影日から約3ヶ月後にデータでお渡しいたします。 The data will be delivered approximately three months after the shooting day.